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Utimaco Safeguard Easy Ibm Lenovo Edition v4.50.3.22

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Utimaco Safeguard Easy Ibm Lenovo Edition v4.50.3.22
Utimaco Safeguard Easy Ibm Lenovo Edition v4.50.3.22 英文正式版(便攜式電腦設備數據加密解密軟體)

SafeGuard Easy在便攜電腦和工作站上提供全公司範圍內的敏感資訊的保護。 使用強有力算法的啟動保護,
預啟動用戶鑒定和硬碟加密,對未被授權進入和駭客攻擊提供保證。 SafeGuard Easy只需要兩個簡單安裝並
且在那些背景內透明地運行。 數據對於一個企業來講是相當重要的,現在人們有經常將數據儲存於筆記本電
腦以及USB這些可移動設備中,安全性大大降低。SafeGuard Easy在這個方面提供了保護,未授權用戶將不能
瀏覽一些重要資訊,也不能進入企業網路。 完整的硬碟防護使得即便硬碟被卸除之後未授權的人還是看不到

SafeGuard Easy 磁碟加密程式,提供三種操作模式:標準(用於硬碟和軟驅加密)、啟動保護(用於引導扇區、
文件系統表和根目錄)和分區(用於個人分區和軟驅)。 由於啟動保護不必加密和解密整個磁碟,它對性能的影
響最小,但對啟動到另一種替代作業系統和試圖重寫驅動器資訊並不進行保護。 事實證明,標準加密的速度

SafeGuard Easy選擇在啟動時部署PreBoot Authentication□(PBA)來生成加密密鑰 ,因而這種密鑰沒有存儲
在盤中。SafeGuard Easy有一種加密算法做適當補充。 如果速度比安全更重要,請從簡單的XOR選擇,或者使
用DES、IDES、Stealth-40或Blowfish-16。密鑰可以由用戶規定或隨機生成。 當使用PBA時,系統啟動到一種
像DOS那樣的口令提示。用戶不能注意到SafeGuard Easy的運行。它提供了一個恢復選擇,且可以增強,這樣,
SafeGuard Easy Hard Disk Encryption Keep sensitive data
protected with SafeGuard?Easy

Every 12 seconds, a PC is lost or stolen ?most with
confidential or sensitive information. SafeGuard Easy full
hard disk encryption software encrypts your laptop's hard
disk drive so data thieves cannot read your files.

By encrypting the entire drive, SafeGuard Easy renders data
completely undecipherable to unauthorized users. Users work
uninterrupted as SafeGuard?Easy encrypts and decrypts your
hard drive's data seamlessly, providing true data at rest
security for your laptop or desktop.

Disk encryption plus pre-boot authentication

SafeGuard?Easy combines the security of full disk
encryption with pre-boot authentication. Pre-boot user
authentication forces the laptop owner to provide
credentials prior to the load of the operating system,
guaranteeing a secure environment before Windows starts.
SafeGuard Easy's pre-boot authentication (PBA) supports both
passwords and eTokens. Strong encryption algorithms

Employing certified and standards-based ciphers such as
128-bit and 256-bit Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) and
128-bit IDEA, SafeGuard Easy incorporates independently
approved and widely accepted algorithms which guarantee
against unauthorized access and hacker attacks. Protected by
any of 10 worldwide industry standard encryption algorithms,
your laptop's hard drive will be completely secure at all

Secure, feature robust, and user-friendly

SafeGuard?Easy is the most robust security tool in the
industry, yet is virtually invisible to the end user.
Because SafeGuard?Easy encrypts and decrypts on demand,
users will never be interrupted. SafeGuard?Easy offers the
largest feature set in the industry, including secure
hibernation, secure wake-on-LAN, and TPM integration ?
making it the most successful and widely used full hard
drive encryption software package on the market today.

Why encrypt with SafeGuard?Easy? Data is one of the most
valuable assets that companies and organizations have. These
assets are in even more danger since ?mobile computing?has
become a reality: sensitive information is stored on
notebooks and removable media ?without any firewall
protection. Mobile devices and media, along with the
sensitive and valuable information that is stored on them,
are constantly exposed to loss or theft. A company?s
management team is responsible for taking all appropriate
steps to protect a company?s or organization?s data.

SafeGuard Easy provides this protection: No unauthorized
user may access the device and read data or use the device
as a tool to enter the company network. If a device gets
into unauthorized hands the data is securely protected even
if the hard disk is removed. Complete encryption of the
entire hard disk and a user authentication procedure that
runs before the operating system boots provide secure

Whether a single laptop or 10,000 PCs are to be protected,
SafeGuard Easy allows easy implementation and enforcement of
the IT security policy. SafeGuard Easy is truly user-proof.
It operates transparently in the background, so end users
don?t have to undergo training or alter their work
behaviours. For security Officers, IT managers, and system
administrators, SafeGuard Easy offers transparent security,
easy security policy implementation, and simple

In a world where laptops and desktop PCs are lost every day
and hackers attack corporate secrets every hour, SafeGuard
Easy is a business necessity.
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